Mac Mouse Clicker With Keyboard Shortcut

The Problem: I am a keyboard person. I love to use the keyboard to navigate through webpage and scroll up/down the content. It becomes a hassle when I have to shift my hand to the mouse every time I want to click a link or select an item. The Solution: Need to bind a keyboard shortcut for the left mouse click, and probably move the cursor around. Right-click on Mac. Control-click on a Mac is similar to right-click on a Windows computer—it’s how you open shortcut (or contextual) menus on a Mac. Control-click: Press and hold the Control key while you click an item. For example, Control-click an icon, a window, the toolbar, the desktop, or another item. The options shown in the. Jul 07, 2018 Using a Mac with just the keyboard is very much possible, and in many cases it’s easier to not use the trackpad (no matter how good) or a mouse to navigate your Mac. Personally, I’m more of a keyboard-leaning person myself and this shortcut is really helpful for me. So, now that you know how to right click on Mac with keyboard, go ahead.

Now it is easy to do Mouse Clicking by holding a Keyboard Key with Auto Clicker. Many Games require you to do lots of mouse clicking and now clicking with Keyboard is really fun. The Automatic Clicking is done as long as you press or hold down a selected keyboard key and the Automatic Mouse Clicking is stopped automatically when you release the keyboard key. All this functionality is provided for Free with Auto Clicker which is the best Automatic Mouse Clicking Software. This Additional software to do clicking with Keypress can be downloaded for free from the download link below

Mac Mouse Clicker With Keyboard Shortcut

Mac Mouse Clicker With Keyboard Shortcut Commands

As displayed in the screenshot above, you need to define a single Keyboard Key which must be pressed in order to start Automatic Clicking. In the screenshot above, the Keyboard Key A is assigned to do Left Click as long as the A Keyboard key is held down. You can also enable the automatic changing of Mouse Cursor to indicate that the Software is doing Mouse Clicking for you. As long as the software is running, the selected keyboard key is used exclusively for doing automatic mouse clicking. In order to stop clicking with selected keyboard key, you can simply close the software or clear the Keyboard Shortcut Key.

How to configure Automatic Clicking by Holding Keyboard Key Down

  1. Download & Install the Software to do Automatic Clicking by Holding a Keyboard Key.
  2. Once installation is complete, Launch the software to view the main window of the software.
  3. Click on the white box next to the Keyboard Shortcut label and press a Keyboard Key. Now press the Assign Button to let the software assign the Keyboard Key to do Automatic Clicking.
  4. Now you need to select a Mouse Button which can be either Left, Middle, Right or X (Extra Button on Mouse), here in the above screenshot, Left Button is selected to be simulated by the software.
  5. Now you need to select Mouse Action which currently is Single Click only, probably in future, it will have more options like Double Click, Scroll and Click, etc.
  6. Rest all settings can be left intact or you can tweak them for further control of the software.
  7. Now Move Mouse cursor to a position at which you want the Automatic Clicking to be done and press the Assigned Keyboard Key and then release it.
  8. For another test, press the Assigned Keyboard Key and hold the Keyboard Key Down it down for as long as you want the Automatic Mouse Clicking to be done.

There are lot more features in the Auto Clicker giving you complete control over Mouse Clicking in Games. Whether you need to Auto Click at a single fixed screen location, random screen location, click with fixed time delay, click with random time delay, automate single or double click, or anything related to Automated Mouse Clicking, the Auto Clicker is definitely the best tool for Gaming and other Mouse Automation purposes.

Auto Clicker for Games and Mouse Automation

Now you can simply hold a Keyboard Key down to keep your Mouse Clicking or define a Keyboard Shortcut which once pressed starts Automatic Clicking and when pressed again stops the automatic Mouse Clicking. The Automatic Stopping of Mouse Clicks is supported when you define the maximum number of Mouse Clicks, however for Clicking by Holding a Key down, there is no such maximum number of automated mouse click count.

There are so many features in the above mentioned software so that whether you need simple automated clicking or anything just more than clicking at current mouse cursor location, it just provides a complete Automated Mouse Clicking package. The above screenshot has been captured on a Windows 10 Computer, however all the features of the software do work on other Windows versions like Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista and even on Windows XP. Winning Online and Offline Games is much easier and fun to do with above mentioned Automated Mouse Clicking features.

A Simple and Easy to use Mac Automation Tool is presented here which can Record and Playback Mouse and Keyboard Actions. This Macintosh Automation Tool works on all recent and latest version of Mac OS X Operating Systems. This Macro Recorder can be used as a combination of Mouse Click Recorder for Mac and a Keystroke Recorder for Mac.

Download Macro Recorder for Mac

You can Download and try out this Macro Recorder for Macintosh for Free. Once the Free trial Expires, you can Unlock the Trial Limitations of this Macro Recorder for Mac Software on 1 Mac by paying in USD 7.89 only and use it for upto 6 Months on 1 Mac from the Date of Payment. Download this Macro Recorder Application on your Macintosh running any recent or latest 64 bit Operating System including Mac OS Version 11 (Big Sur).

You can Record all types of Mouse and Keyboard Actions with this Macintosh Macro Recorder. Whether you wish to Record Mouse Clicks, Mouse Movements, Mouse Scrolling, Mouse Dragging or Key pressing on your Mac, this Macro Recorder can do it all for you. All you need to do Start the Recording, perform the Actions manually and then let the Macro Recorder Play them for you as and when you want.

How to use Macintosh Macro Recorder

MacMac mouse clicker with keyboard shortcut

Given below steps outline the procedure to use this Mac Macro Recorder. The User Interface of the Macro Recorder adjusts itself automatically depending on the Actions you perform. Watch a Video Tutorial which displays how to record and then playback mouse and keyboard actions with this Macro Recorder.

  1. Download and run the Macro Recorder for Mc from the link above. Once you have downloaded the Macro Recorder as a ZIP File, Locate the Downloaded file in the Downloads Folder using Finder.
  2. Double Click on the downloaded ZIP File to extract the Macro Recorder.
  3. Now Double Click on the Macro Recorder and Launch it. Depending which Mac OS X version you are using, Mac will ask your permission to run the Application.
  4. With Macro Recorder running, you will be able to Record and Play the Recorded Manual Actions.
  5. Click on the button Start Recording to start recording of Mouse and Keyboard Actions. Now do whatever you want to be recorded in a Macro and when you are done, click on the button labelled Stop Recording to Stop Recording of Mouse Clicks, Mouse Movements, etc and Keyboard Actions.
  6. Now Click on the button labelled Play Recording to let the Macro Recorder Play the Recorded Actions.

Note : In case you want the Keystrokes to be recorded in the Macro, you would need to enable Access for Assistive Devices using System Preferences. For Recording Mouse Actions only, you do not need to enable Access for Assistive Devices.

Features of Macro Recorder for Mac

Mac Mouse Clicker With Keyboard Shortcut Keys

Given below are few of the features of Macro Recorder for Macintosh Computer. Yes new features are being added continuously and the updated versions can be downloaded from the download link mentioned above.

  • Main Window of Macro Recorder Remembers it's position so you can drag the Window to a location best suited for your purpose.
  • Number of Actions being Recorded are displayed in the Main Window so as to give you an idea of what's being recorded while your do Mouse and Keyboard Actions Manually. In order to view the Number of Mouse and Keyboard Actions being recorded, do have a look at the Action Counter as displayed in the screenshot above.
  • When a Recorded Macro Script is played, the Action Counter displays the active action number being automated.
  • Configurable System Wide Keyboard Shortcuts can be defined to Start / Stop Recording and also for Playing the Recorded Script.
  • Distinct Sound Alerts can be enabled / disabled to indicate whether Macro Recording is being Started or Stopped. Distinct Sound Alert is played when Macro executed is Started and Stopped.
  • Configurable Time Delay before the start of recorded macro. When delayed macro execution is enabled, a timer displays the time remaining to start the Playback of Macro.

This Macro Recorder for Mac utilizes the same principle as being used by Keystroke Logger or Mouse Click Logger for Mac, however this Mac Automation Tool has been created to help everybody Automate Repetitive Tasks. The Mouse Clicks, Mouse Movements and other Mouse and Keyboard Actions are stored in RAM and when Macro Recorder is Closed or new Recording is recorded, all the currently recorded Mouse and Keyboard Actions are removed from RAM of Mac.

Recording of Keystrokes in Macro Recorder

Mac Mouse Clicker With Keyboard Shortcut Windows 10

While Recording a Macro, if you would like to Record Keystrokes apart from Mouse Clicks, Movements, Scrolling, etc, you would need to Enable Access for Assistive Devices as displayed in the Screenshot to the right.

On Mac OS X, Open System Preferences, Navigate to Security and Privacy Settings, Open up Privacy Tab and Drag the Macro Recorder to the list of Applications allowed to Control Mac. Once Added to the List of Applications, enable Access to Macro Recorder to Record Keystrokes.

In case you do not want to record Keystrokes, you do not need to worry about Access for Assistive Devices or allowing an Application to Control Mac OS X 10.9. Even with this option turned off, you can record Left, Right and Middle Mouse Clicks, Mouse Movements, Mouse Scrolling, Dragging and Dropping to Automate your Repetitive tasks on your Mac.

Mac Automation Tool with Script Editor

In case you would like to have finer control over your script recordings, you can download another Mac Automation Tool which is a really sophisticated and advanced Macintosh Automation Tool. Do have a look at the Screenshot to the right of this paragraph or navigate to the Mac Auto Mouse Click homepage to know more about it. It is also a Free to try Application and runs on recent or latest version of Macintosh including version 11 (Big Sur). Yes there is feature description, step by step tutorial and also a video tutorial which should get you started within no time..

Mac Mouse Clicker With Keyboard Shortcut Free


Automate Everything on your Mac

With Macro Recorder you can record and play back recorded Keyboard and Mouse Actions in exactly same speed. On the other hand the Mac Auto Mouse Click Application presented above can give you finer control over your Scripts.

Irrespective of whether you wish to Automate Repetitive tasks in a Game by creating a Bot, Automate a Presentation or anything else on your Mac, just plan appropriately so that the Automation goes exactly as planned. Before using Automation in actual Environment, do test the script execution with simple applications.

The Macro Recorder for Mac can record keystrokes provided appropriate permission is enabled from System Preferences. Recording of Mouse Clicks does not require special permission and hence you can record all types of Mouse Clicks and anything else that you can do with your Mouse Cursor on your Macintosh.

Visit Mac Automation Tools Home page to view and Download more Macintosh Automation Applications.