Xmoto Mac Download

  1. Xmoto Mac Download Full
  2. Xmoto Download
  3. Xmoto Mac Download Windows 10

X-Moto is a free and open source 2D motocross platform game developed for Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows, where physics play an all important role in the gameplay.The basic gameplay clones that of Elasto Mania, but the simulated physics are subtly different. Download extra levels and view other people's best times inside the game Advanced physics engine Levels scriptable with the Lua programming language Record replays to show to your friends Available for Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, and other systems Much more. X-Moto 0.6.1 for Mac is available as a free download on our software library. This app's bundle is identified as net.sourceforge.xmoto. The common filenames for the application's installer are xmoto-0.5.10-src.tar.gz or xmoto-0.5.4-macosx-univers.dmg etc. The most popular version of the software is 0.5.

20/06/2020 - XMoto 0.6.1 released

See the Checksums
Xmoto mac download
xmoto-0.6.1-src.tar.gzSource code package
xmoto-0.6.1-win32-setup.exeInstaller for Windows
xmoto-0.6.1-win32.zipExecutable for Windows
xmoto-0.6.1.dmgMac OS X x86_64 Binary
xmoto-0.6.1.debLatest Debian package
xmoto-0.6.1-ubuntu.debLatest Ubuntu package

02/05/2020 - XMoto 0.6.0 released

Xmoto mac download windows 10
See the Checksums

Note: This release contains a bug that causes the game to crash with certain locales!
It has been fixed in 0.6.1

FullXmoto mac download windows 10
xmoto-0.6.0-src.tar.gzSource code package
xmoto-0.6.0-win32-setup.exeInstaller for Windows
xmoto-0.6.0-win32.zipExecutable for Windows
xmoto-0.6.0.debLatest Debian package
xmoto-0.6.0-ubuntu.debLatest Ubuntu package

29/03/2014 - XMoto 0.5.11 released

xmoto-0.5.11-src.tar.gzSource code package
xmoto-0.5.11-win32-setup.exeInstaller for Windows
xmoto-0.5.11-win32.zipExecutable for Windows
.debLatest Ubuntu package
Slackware .tgzLatest Slackware package
.rpmLatest RPM package
FreebsdLatest FreeBSD package

19/05/2010 - Inksmoto Level Editor (svg2lvl) 0.7.0 released

See the ChangeLog ; How to make a level ; What's new in 0.7.0
inksmoto-0.7.0.tar.gzPlateform independant (GNU/Linux, MacOSX, Windows, ...)
inksmoto-0.7.0.debLatest Ubuntu package
Inksmoto rpmLatest Fedora package
Inkscape-0.47.1_inksmoto-0.7.0_win32.exeInstaller for Windows
Inkscape-1.0.2-Inksmoto-0.7.0-macos.dmgmacOS 64-bit package

21/02/2010 - Help! Developers needed!

The future of xmoto is unsure, since we are short of developers.

Right now, there is only one person who cares about the code, so there's little progress.
Since there are a lot of plans for further features, help is appreciated!
If you know C++ and have some time to spare, dont hesitate to contact us by IRC or the forum.


Xmoto Mac Download Full

06/12/2008 - Public X-Moto server on tuxfamily.org

games.tuxfamily.org is up !
You can play X-Moto with other players on a public server. Congratulations to Tuxfamily team which has allowed to enable this service. Don't hesitate to make a donation (see below) to Tuxfamily team to encourage them.
To connect, you need X-Moto 0.5.0. Just type games.tuxfamily.org in the server field (keep default port) in the network section of the game.

Xmoto Download

Make a donation to X-Moto's host: Tuxfamily

X-Moto is free software. It exists thanks to enthusiastic people working for free including people from the X-Moto project and people from the TuxFamily project. X-Moto is hosted for free by TuxFamily.

Without their generous support, X-Moto would not have lasted into 2020 and beyond. So if you enjoy playing X-Moto, please consider making a donation to TuxFamily.

Xmoto Mac Download Windows 10

You may make a donation using a Paypal account or using a debit/credit card.